Modes of operation.
Padb has a number of modes of operation depending on what data you want it to report or what action you want it to perform, some like --kill generate no output but others can generate significant amounts of data. This page attempts to give a summary of available modes.Some modes of operation, for example stack traces, generate information per process in a parallel job, some modes collate information from multiple processes into a single status report for the job. For modes where information is process specific a number of options are offered to reduce the amount of information displayed to the screen. Without any of these options specified padb will prefix each line of output with the rank followed by a colon ":". The --compress-long option will print a header for each process and display the information for that rank below the header without any per-line prefix. The --compress option will do the same however will also attempt to merge output where multiple processes in the job report identical output into a single report. Finally there is a --tree option which works well with stack traces.
For modes where each rank is treated independently the --rank can be given to target a specific processes only, this option can be specified multiple times to specify multiple ranks.
Padb can be told to loop, performing the same query over and over again. This is enabled by the --watch flag and further controlled by --config-option interval=<seconds> and --config-option watch-clears-screen=<bool> options, the default values for these options are 10 and 1 respectively.
All examples on this page show padb targeting a single specific job, either by providing a number job identifier on the command line or via the --all or --any options. See usage page for information on selecting which jobs.
The --proc-summary mode shows basic information about running processes, presented one process per line. Users can control which information is shown using the --proc-format option.
$ padb --all --proc-summary |
vpid hostname pid vmsize vmrss S %cpu command 7 i3 2623 160336 kB 4464 kB R 49 a.out 6 i2 2616 160336 kB 4464 kB R 48 a.out 5 i1 2615 160336 kB 4460 kB R 47 a.out 4 fnarp 2789 160336 kB 4464 kB R 44 a.out 3 i3 2622 160336 kB 4464 kB R 49 a.out 2 i2 2615 160336 kB 4464 kB R 49 a.out 1 i1 2614 160336 kB 4468 kB R 47 a.out 0 fnarp 2788 160336 kB 4464 kB R 44 a.out |
$ padb --all --rank=0 --proc-info |
hostname:fnarp exe:/home/ashley/IMB/imb/src/IMB-MPI1 Name: IMB-MPI1 State: R (running) Tgid: 7743 Pid: 7743 PPid: 7739 TracerPid: 0 Uid: 1000 1000 1000 1000 Gid: 1000 1000 1000 1000 FDSize: 64 Groups: 1000 VmPeak: 251056 kB VmSize: 251056 kB VmLck: 0 kB VmHWM: 99820 kB VmRSS: 99820 kB VmData: 93792 kB VmStk: 84 kB VmExe: 68 kB VmLib: 5320 kB VmPTE: 408 kB Threads: 1 SigQ: 0/16382 SigPnd: 0000000000000000 ShdPnd: 0000000000000000 SigBlk: 0000000000000000 SigIgn: 0000000000000000 SigCgt: 00000001800104e0 CapInh: 0000000000000000 CapPrm: 0000000000000000 CapEff: 0000000000000000 voluntary_ctxt_switches: 1200 nonvoluntary_ctxt_switches: 27417502 wchan: 0 stat: 7743 (IMB-MPI1) R 7739 7739 2505 768 7739 4202496 35270 0 6 0 44352 110655 0 0 20 0 1 0 372663 257081344 24955 18446744073709551615 4194304 4261588 140733227100464 18446744073709551615 140479664939751 0 0 0 66784 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 fd0: pipe:[56964] (0 00) fd1: /dev/pts/5 (0 0100002) fd2: pipe:[56965] (0 01) fd3: socket:[56977] (0 04002) fd4: socket:[56978] (0 02) fd5: socket:[56983] (0 04002) fd6: socket:[56985] (0 04002) fd7: socket:[56992] (0 04002) fd8: socket:[57010] (0 04002) fd9: socket:[57012] (0 04002) fd10: socket:[57016] (0 04002) fd11: socket:[57017] (0 04002) fd12: socket:[57022] (0 04002) fd13: socket:[57023] (0 04002) fd14: socket:[57024] (0 04002) fd15: socket:[57026] (0 04002) fd29: pipe:[56966] (0 01) pcpu: 47 |
$ padb --all --stack-trace --tree |
----------------- [0-1] (2 processes) ----------------- main() at IMB.c:262 IMB_init_buffers_iter() at IMB_mem_manager.c:798 ----------------- 0 (1 processes) ----------------- IMB_pingpong() at IMB_pingpong.c:170 PMPI_Recv() at ?:? mca_pml_ob1_recv() at ?:? opal_progress() at ?:? ----------------- 1 (1 processes) ----------------- IMB_pingpong() at IMB_pingpong.c:194 PMPI_Recv() at ?:? mca_pml_ob1_recv() at ?:? opal_progress() at ?:? ----------------- [2-15] (14 processes) ----------------- main() at IMB.c:276 PMPI_Barrier() at ?:? ompi_coll_tuned_barrier_intra_dec_fixed() at ?:? ompi_coll_tuned_barrier_intra_recursivedoubling() at ?:? ompi_coll_tuned_sendrecv_actual() at ?:? ompi_request_default_wait_all() at ?:? opal_progress() at ?:? |
$ padb --any --stack-trace --rank 0 -O stack-shows-locals=1 -Ostack-shows-params=1 |
main() at ?:? PMPI_Barrier() at /mnt/home/ashley/mpich2/mpich2-1.1.1p1/src/mpi/coll/barrier.c:421 params: MPI_Comm comm = -2080374780 locals: MPICH_PerThread_t * MPIR_Thread = (MPICH_PerThread_t *) 0x80e9740 int mpi_errno = 10001568 MPID_Comm * comm_ptr = (MPID_Comm *) 0x80da8e0 MPIR_Barrier_or_coll_fn() at /mnt/home/ashley/mpich2/mpich2-1.1.1p1/src/mpi/coll/barrier.c:244 params: MPID_Comm * comm_ptr = (MPID_Comm *) 0x198 locals: int mpi_errno = 0 MPIR_Barrier() at /mnt/home/ashley/mpich2/mpich2-1.1.1p1/src/mpi/coll/barrier.c:75 params: MPID_Comm * comm_ptr = (MPID_Comm *) 0x80da9e8 locals: int size = 8 int rank = 0 int mask = 1 int mpi_errno = <value optimized out> MPI_Comm comm = -2080374779 MPIC_Sendrecv() at /mnt/home/ashley/mpich2/mpich2-1.1.1p1/src/mpi/coll/helper_fns.c:163 params: void * sendbuf = (void *) 0x0 int sendcount = 0 MPI_Datatype sendtype = 1275068685 int dest = 1 int sendtag = 1 void * recvbuf = (void *) 0x0 int recvcount = 0 MPI_Datatype recvtype = 1275068685 int source = 7 int recvtag = 1 MPI_Comm comm = -2080374779 MPI_Status * status = (MPI_Status *) 0x1 locals: MPID_Request * recv_req_ptr = (MPID_Request *) 0x80e9ac0 MPID_Request * send_req_ptr = (MPID_Request *) 0x80e9c94 int mpi_errno = <value optimized out> MPID_Comm * comm_ptr = (MPID_Comm *) 0x80da9e8 MPIC_Wait() at /mnt/home/ashley/mpich2/mpich2-1.1.1p1/src/mpi/coll/helper_fns.c:404 params: MPID_Request * request_ptr = (MPID_Request *) 0x80e9ac0 locals: MPID_Progress_state progress_state = {ch = {completion_count = 16}} int mpi_errno = 134869472 MPIDI_CH3I_Progress() at /mnt/home/ashley/mpich2/mpich2-1.1.1p1/src/mpid/ch3/channels/nemesis/nemesis/include/mpid_nem_inline.h:1088 params: MPID_Progress_state * progress_state = (MPID_Progress_state *) 0xbfc69eec int is_blocking = 1 locals: MPID_nem_fbox_mpich2_t * pbox = (MPID_nem_fbox_mpich2_t *) 0x80 unsigned int completions = 16 int mpi_errno = <value optimized out> int complete = -1077502728 int pollcount = 0 sched_yield() at ?:? __kernel_vsyscall() at ?:? |
Stack traces on Linux often show functions below main(), these are automatically stripped unless the flag --nostrip-below-main is provided. Likewise padb knows the core "progression" functions for several parallel stacks and will strip functions of the other end of stacks unless the --nostrip-above-wait flag is given. The list of function names to strip beyond can be set with the stack-strip-above and stack-strip-below configuration options, each one taking a comma separated list of function names.
MPI Specific modes
The option --mpi-queue will tell padb to read the MPI message queues from your application if possible. Here shown with the --compress option.The option --message-queue shows the tport queues on QsNet systems. On non-QsNet systems it automatically falls back to --mpi-queue.
$ padb --all --compress --mpi-queue |
---------------- 0 ---------------- comm0: name: 'MPI_COMM_WORLD' comm0: rank: '0' comm0: size: '2' comm0: id: '(nil)' comm0: Rank: local 0 global 0 comm0: Rank: local 1 global 1 comm1: name: 'MPI_COMM_SELF' comm1: rank: '0' comm1: size: '1' comm1: id: '0x1' comm2: name: 'MPI_COMM_NULL' comm2: rank: '-2' comm2: size: '0' comm2: id: '0x2' comm3: name: 'MPI COMMUNICATOR 4 DUP FROM 0' comm3: rank: '0' comm3: size: '2' comm3: id: '0x4' comm3: Rank: local 0 global 0 comm3: Rank: local 1 global 1 comm4: name: 'MPI COMMUNICATOR 5 DUP FROM 0' comm4: rank: '0' comm4: size: '2' comm4: id: '0x5' comm4: Rank: local 0 global 0 comm4: Rank: local 1 global 1 comm5: name: 'MPI COMMUNICATOR 28 SPLIT FROM 4' comm5: rank: '0' comm5: size: '1' comm5: id: '0x1c' ---------------- 1 ---------------- comm0: name: 'MPI_COMM_WORLD' comm0: rank: '1' comm0: size: '2' comm0: id: '(nil)' comm0: Rank: local 0 global 0 comm0: Rank: local 1 global 1 comm1: name: 'MPI_COMM_SELF' comm1: rank: '0' comm1: size: '1' comm1: id: '0x1' comm2: name: 'MPI_COMM_NULL' comm2: rank: '-2' comm2: size: '0' comm2: id: '0x2' comm3: name: 'MPI COMMUNICATOR 4 DUP FROM 0' comm3: rank: '1' comm3: size: '2' comm3: id: '0x4' comm3: Rank: local 0 global 0 comm3: Rank: local 1 global 1 comm4: name: 'MPI COMMUNICATOR 5 DUP FROM 0' comm4: rank: '1' comm4: size: '2' comm4: id: '0x5' comm4: Rank: local 0 global 0 comm4: Rank: local 1 global 1 comm5: name: 'MPI COMMUNICATOR 28 SPLIT FROM 4' comm5: rank: '0' comm5: size: '1' comm5: id: '0x1c' |
$ padb --all --deadlock |
Information for group '0x4' (MPI COMMUNICATOR 4 DUP FROM 0) Group members [1-3] (size 4) are in call 2 to Barrier. Group member 0 (size 4) has completed call 1 to Barrier. Group member 0 (size 4) is not in a call to the collectives. Information for group '0x5' (MPI COMMUNICATOR 5 DUP FROM 0) Group member 0 (size 4) is in call 2 to Barrier. Group members [1-3] (size 4) have completed call 1 to Barrier. Group members [1-3] (size 4) are not in a call to the collectives. Total: 6 groups of which 2 are in use. |
Quadrics specific modes
The --set-debug, --group and --statistics modes are QsNet specific. The --deadlock mode performs the same function as --group for MPI programs. The --mpi-watch mode in padb will cause padb to inspect the parallel job and write a single line of output to the screen, each character representing a process in the parallel job. Each character has a different value depending on the state of that process at the time of sampling. This provides a quick way to see the state of the program and if individual ranks are blocked in comms or actively working.When used with the --watch and --config-option=watch-clears-screen=0 option it becomes possible to see progress of the application over time, this trace shows the popular IMB benchmarking application, those familiar with it will immediately see the different stages of benchmark and how each stage uses more and more processes over time with any unused ones blocking in MPI_Barrier.
$ padb --all --mpi-watch --watch -Owatch-clears-screen=no |
u: unexpected messages U: unexpected and other messages s: sending messages r: receiving messages m: sending and receiving b: Barrier B: Broadcast g: Gather G: AllGather r: reduce: R: AllReduce a: alltoall A: alltoalls w: waiting .: consuming CPU cycles ,: using CPU but no queue data -: sleeping *: error 0....5....1....5.... ,,bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ,,bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ,,bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ,,bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ,,bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ,,bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ,,bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ,,bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ,,bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ,,bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ,,bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ,,bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ,,bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ,,bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ,,bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ,,bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ,,bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ssbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ssbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ssbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ssbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ssbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ssbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ssbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,bbbb ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,bbbb ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,bbbb ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,bbbb ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ssssssssssssssssbbbb ssssssssssssssssbbbb ssssssssssssssssbbbb ssssssssssssssssbbbb ssssssssssssssssbbbb ssssssssssssssssbbbb ssssssssssssssssbbbb ssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssssss ssRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRs RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRbbbb RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRbbbb RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRbbbb RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRbbbb RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRbbbb RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRbbbb RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRbbbb RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRbbbb RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrbbbb rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrbbbb rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrbbbb rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrbbbb rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrbbbb rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrbbbb rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrbbbb rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrbbbb rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 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